pp108 : Service Container Properties Interface

Service Container Properties Interface

This topic describes the interface of the Service Container properties.

General Tab




Name of the Service Container.

Computer Name

Name of the computer on which the Service Container is running or on which it has to be created.

Assign OS Process

Enables the new Service Container run in the existing JVM. When this option is selected, the Select OS Process list is populated with the names of the existing OS processes.
Note: If any of the application connectors selected in the first step cannot share a JVM, this option is disabled.

CAUTION :If you are configuring a WS-AppServer Service, ensure that you do not configure more than one WS-AppServer Service to a single OS Process. Doing so will result in configuration errors.

Startup Type

This denotes if the Service Container must be started automatically or manually, when the Cordys Monitor has started and when the Service Container stops.
Note: The Number of Attempts for Auto Start group box is enabled only when the startup type is Automatic.

Number of Attempts for Auto Start

Determines the number of times the Service Container must be restarted if it crashes. The options are as follows:

  • Default - Cordys Monitor automatically starts a Service Container for three times. This includes the first time it starts and two subsequent stoppages.
  • Infinite - The Service Container is restarted automatically whenever it crashes.
  • Custom - In the text box, you can type the number of times you want the Cordys Monitor to automatically restart the Service Container.

Request Notification Timeout

The time period (in milliseconds) that the Service Container has to wait for the response.


The order of preference of the Service Container under the Service Group to which it belongs.
Note: This field is displayed only when Simple Failover is chosen as the routing algorithm while configuring the Service Group.


JRE Configuration Tab




Specify the additional directories or jar files for the Service Container classpath to start the Service Container successfully. These entries must be separated by the OS-specific classpath delimiters.
Note: In a Linux operated computer, the absolute path of the .jar file must not contain spaces. If the path already contains spaces, create a soft link for that .jar file using the ln - s <original path of the .jar file> <name of the .jar file> command and place this soft link path in the classpath.

Set the Parameters

Click to add the JVM Options, which will be executed when the Service Container is started. An invalid property may stop the Service Container. You can delete the Java properties by selecting their corresponding checkbox and clicking . Policy file name - This specifies the name of the security policy file (with location path), which contains the permissions that are granted. The file has the.policyextension.


Log Settings Tab



Enable Logging

This option allows you to enable the log categories and severities.

Use System Policy

This option disables all the log categories and severities, because the system-level configuration is applied. On selecting this option, theLog4jConfiguration.xmlfile in the <OpenText_Cordys_Installation_Directory> is applied to a particular Service Container.
Note: By default, the Enable System Policy check box is selected and other fields on the page are unavailable. To specify Logger Severities and Logger Consumers details, clear the Enable System Policy check box.

Logger Severities


  • Root Severity - Turns the log option on for all the severity levels, including those that are not listed on the screen. The severity levels selected here would apply to all the categories. Tip: Enabling the lowest severity level automatically enables the remaining severity levels. However, enabling or selecting the highest severity level enables only that severity.
  • Category-wise Severities - Sets the severity for a specific category. If the Root Severity is selected, then automatically it turns the Category-wise Severities option on for all the categories.

Logger Consumers

Note: This option is enabled only when the Enable System Policy option is not selected.Process Suite supports various kinds of log consumers, including those from Log4j for consuming log messages. One or more consumers can be selected for publishing messages. The appropriate log consumer must be selected during the Service configuration. The following are the available options.

  • Publish to File - Publishes the log messages to the file specified during log configuration. The default path for this file is Process Suite Installation Directory\Logs\<filename>.xml. In the absence of any file name specification, log messages are published to the console.
    Note: Use a double-slash for folder path specification, for example, <Drive>:folder1
    • Do not roll - Select this option if you do not want to roll a file.
    • Roll File every- Rolls over files based on the user defined time intervals, which can be monthly, weekly, daily, hourly, and even for every minute.
    • Roll File for every- Writes the logs to file. When the log file exceeds a specified file size, it is rolled over with a filename.n. Here, 'n' is the number of times the file has exceeded the specified size.
  • Publish to Database - Publishes the log messages to the database specified during Process Suite installation.
  • Publish to Remote Host - Publishes the log messages to the specified remote host. You must specify the Host Name and Port Number.
  • Publish to OS-based event log - Publishes log messages to either the Windows Event Log for Windows OS or Syslog with facility LOCAL7 for Linux OS.


<Application Connector> tab

Depending upon the connector configured during the creation of the Service Container, the associated connector appears in a separate tab. Click the tab to change the details.

Related concepts

Simple Object Access Protocol

Related tasks

Defining Log Messages for an Activity
Creating a Service Container
Modifying a Service Container
Creating a Service Group
Modifying Service Group Configuration

Related reference

OS Process Configuration Interface
Logging Configuration Interface
Connection Point Configuration Interface
Service Container Details

Related information

Using Logging Service in a Business Process
Configuring OS Processes for a Service Container